Site Improvement
Site Improvement Plan

If we develop a common approach to ‘close reading’ and build oral language development into daily rouines, we will increase the number of students reaching SEA and above in reading.
If we adopt a common approach to authentic problem solving and promote multiple ways of solving problems in mathmatics and numeracy, we will increase the number of students reaching SEA and above in numeracy.
If we align our Formative Assessment strategies with targeted writing imrovement practices and promote writing as a means to generate higher order thinking and transfer of learning, we will achieve a percentage grade band shift in SACE Stage 1 and 2 subjects.
Literacy Success Criteria
Students are able to read and comprehend various text types across all learning areas
Students are able to connect reading to explain and elaborate on their ideas through written and oral tasks
Students are able to decode and comprehend at the literal, inferential and response levels
Numeracy Success Criteria
Students have the skills to meet numeracy demands in all subject areas
Students have the capacity to apply a range of strategies to solve open-ended problems, which can be applied to a wide variety of different situations, including ones not yet encountered
Teachers sharing experiences and reflecting openly to inform pedagogy and assessment practices
Formative Assessment Success Criteria
Students will be able to use formal academic language appropriate to the purpose and genre of their writing
Students will be able to demonstrate cohesion of ideas through the structure and language of their writing
Students will be meaningfully engaged in lessons and employ self and peer assessment strategies to draft and improve the quality of their work