Stage 2 Music Studies
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Performance skills as an instrumentalist or vocalist in music and a willingness to continue tuition on that instrument. Successful completion of Stage 1 Music and a good understanding of music theory and analysis.
Course content will be a selection of the following:
Understanding Music: Students understand and apply musical elements and reflect on musical influences. Think creatively and critically about musicianship and musicology and express musical ideas.
Creating Music: Students understand the characteristics of musical styles, structures, and techniques to inform the process of creating their performance and/or composition. They apply their musical literacy skills, in developing and refining their own works. Interpret musical works and manipulate musical elements. They also reflect on the appropriateness of a performance, composition, and/or arrangement.
Responding to Music: Students analyse style, structure, and musical elements of two or more musical works. They reflect on live music performances and or compositions/arrangements. Students also apply their musical literacy skills, including aural perception and notation, when responding to music.
School assessment (70%):
Assessment Type 1: Creative Works – One portfolio of creative works (performances or compositions/arrangements) with creator statement reflecting on their work.
Assessment Type 2: Music Literacy – Three music literacy tasks (As a set they should be 15 minute orally or 2400 words).
External Assessment (30%):
Assessment Type 3: Examination – Students complete a 130-minute examination in which they apply their knowledge and understanding of musical elements and their musicianship skills in creative and innovative ways.