The Arts

Hallett Cove School promotes student engagement in the Arts across Reception to Year 12 in dance, drama, music, media arts and visual arts. Students develop confidence, communication and creativity as they explore critical thinking as artists and make meaning in the world around them. Arts students are able to thrive through engaging classroom learning and in Arts experiences in our local and wider community.
- From Reception to Year 6 all students participate in Visual Arts and Media Arts with their classroom teachers, whilst working with specialist Performing Arts teachers.
- Hallett Cove School students from Year 5 to 12 have the opportunity to undertake instrumental music lessons with specialist teachers.
- In Year 7 and 8 all students learn Visual Art, Music, Dance, and Drama working with specialist teachers to develop their skills and understanding of a range of core concepts, conventions, media and techniques. Students have access to a specialist Dance or Music program and a Creative Arts program incorporating Drama and the Visual Arts.
- From Year 8 to 12 students have the opportunity to engage in their chosen arts forms in greater depth, with a wide range of tailored subject options available to students.
- Hallett Cove School has a dedicated Theatre Company ‘C-Theatre’, for dedicated drama students who collaborate across Year 7 to 12 as an extracurricular activity each week
Hallett Cove School provides many opportunities for students to showcase their Arts learning each year. Some of these opportunities include:
- An annual Reception to Year 12 South Australian Living Artists (SALA) exhibition
- An annual Reception to Year 12 Arts Showcase or Whole School Arts Production
- Students in Year 5 to 7 are able to perform in the Festival of Music
- Dance students from Year 7 to 12 in the Choreographic Awards Nights
- Drama students from Year 7 to 12 in Performance Nights
- Music students from Year 7 to 12 in Performance Nights
- Other school events including Open Nights, Graduation Ceremonies, Presentation Nights, the Cove Spectacular, assemblies and courtyard performances