Junior School encompasses Reception to Year 6

Junior School encompasses Reception to Year 6. At HCS we have a strong commitment to R-12 schooling and the many opportunities of this unique learning environment provides. Students experience ease in transition from Junior through Middle and onto Senior School while remaining on the same site, with a strong emphasis on:
- Working with students and their families to promote smooth transition from preschool to school
- Positive relationships, home-school communication and parent involvement in learning and a wide range of activities
- Literacy and numeracy development as the building blocks for learning
- Challenging and supporting every student to become a confident and capable learner
- Positive health and well-being through curriculum, programs and activities that foster the physical, social, emotional and behavioural development of every student
We deliver the Australian Curriculum in all learning areas: Mathematics, Science, English, Humanities & Social Sciences, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Technology, Languages and Health & Physical Education.
Hallett Cove Reception to Year 6 provides a Learning Culture, with a strong emphasis on:
- A focus on our School Values: Organisation, Respect, Personal Best, Caring, Listening
- Student Leadership through an active Young Leaders Program
- Providing for individual needs
- ICT focus with interactive whiteboards in all classrooms
- A suite of PCs
- Google Chromebooks for students Years 3-6
Academic excellence is celebrated, and students are challenged and supported to reach their full potential
Understanding Data
In the Junior School we use data to inform the teaching and learning experiences for each student.
The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these years participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy.
The tests provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of the school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance.
For more information on NAPLAN and NAPLAN testing, Click Here
All students from Years 2 – 10 participate in Pat-R testing to measure and track student achievement in reading comprehension, word knowledge and spelling http://www.acer.edu.au/pat-reading and Pat-M testing to provide objective, norm-referenced information to teachers about the level of achievement attained by their students in the skills and understanding of mathematics http://www.acer.edu.au/patmaths.
Hallett Cove School is a modern, well-equipped school set on an attractive campus, which has views of the southern coast with strong environmental links to the local area.
Our students have access to a broad range of specialist facilities and resources. Our modern Resource Centre and ICT facilities support Resource Based Learning, with reading areas specifically designed to meet the needs of students from R-6.
The learning needs of students in R-3 are supported by our fantastic Early Years Learning Centre. This state of the art facility provides students with an opportunity to learn in a play based environment where they can explore and create, supported by a range of resources including cooking, art and craft facilities.
In addition, R-6 students also have access to a spacious and well-equipped performing Arts Centre, Multi-purpose Hall (gym) and age appropriate playgrounds and equipment.
- Cross age tutoring and activities facilitated by Senior School students
- Participation in National competitions in Science, English and Maths
- The International Program activities
- Festival of Music choir
- Wakakirri
- Hub Concert Band
- SAPSASA sport programs
- Lunchtime clubs and activities such as Dance, Arts & Crafts and seasonal sports.
Parent, Volunteer and School Partnerships
We value the support and commitment of community members. Parents are encouraged to support their children, the classroom programs and school ventures by participating in a variety of formal and informal activities that are acknowledged and appreciated by both staff and students. Parents and Friends Group contribute to school resources by driving fundraising activities, supporting school events and providing parents with meaningful friendships.
Home/School Communication
The R-6 staff work to foster strong communication links between home and school and therefore encourage information sharing and support for student development by providing:
- Acquaintance meetings each year
- Three way interviews: Teacher/parent/student interviews
- Information sessions
- Semester reports
- Information notes via Seesaw, communication books and diaries, phone calls, and informal chats