Wellbeing relates to the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. Hallett Cove School believes in promoting and maintaining positive wellbeing within the school community. Numerous studies suggest that with a positive wellbeing, students and staff alike, have better resilience and coping strategies, have a more positive outlook on life and are more likely to achieve success.

Wellbeing relates to the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. Hallett Cove School believes in promoting and maintaining positive wellbeing within the school community. Numerous studies suggest that with a positive wellbeing, students and staff alike, have better resilience and coping strategies, have a more positive outlook on life and are more likely to achieve success.
At Hallett Cove School we actively address student wellbeing though:
- A focus on our whole school values: Listening, Organisation, Respect,
- Our carefully constructed Pastoral Care program
- Special focus days held each term: Harmony day, IDAHOT day, RUOK day and
- Lunchtime clubs including Yoga, Gay Straight Alliance,
However, sometimes life throws us a curve ball and it is ok to seek help.
If and when the need arises, please access our Councellor service (look in the Counsellor tab). Alternatively click on the links to the following services below to chat online or find out more infortmation.
Student Wellbeing Support
Alcohol & Drug Prevention http://adf.org.au
CAHMS www.wch.sa.gov.au/services/az/divisions/mentalhealth/index.html

Hallett cove school
Behaviour Development Policy
Department of Social Services
A list of sites and services
Counselling and support services
beyondblue – telephone 1300 224 636
Department of Defence All Hours Support Line – 1800 628 036
Defence Family Help Line – 1800 624 608
Kids Help Line – telephone 1800 55 1800
Lifeline – telephone 13 11 14
Open Arms – telephone 1800 011 046
Mensline – telephone 1300 789 978
Relationships Australia – telephone 1300 364 277
Sane Australia – telephone 1800 187 263
Suicide Call Back Service – telephone 1300 659 467
1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732