Welcome back to Term 4 and welcome back to the ‘This Week’ rundown, well it’s technically ‘Last Week’ this week but by Friday we’ll be back on track!
We hope everyone is well rested after their break and ready to tackle the home stretch of 2023. We’ve got a jam-packed term ahead of us though before we can start to think about the end of the year, we’ve got:
- The arts fundraiser
- Our Year 12’s dress up day and final day of school
- Junior School Swimming
- Two international study tours
- Our annual remembrance day service
- Plenty of sport
- Plenty of excursions
- Plenty of music and dance and
- The 2023 Cove Spectacular!
We started off slowly last week with a pupil free day. No rest for the wicked though as the teaching staff and curriculum SSO’s spent the day in the final session of their Berry Street Education Model training.
Broken into four parts, the Berry Street Education Model training equips schools with practical, classroom based strategies to increase the engagement and academic achievement of all students by supporting their self-regulation, relationships and wellbeing.
Over the course of the last year, our staff have worked through how to help students regulate their stress response, how to build positive relational classroom management strategies, how to create a culture of academic persistence, how to motivate students in their willingness to learn and in last week’s final session, how educators can harness their values and character strengths to promote effective learning and future pathways.

On Wednesday our students and staff got together to Lift the Load Challenge to raise awareness for men’s metal health.
A huge thank you to Year 10 Jayden for bringing this worthy cause to our attention and a massive well done to everyone who shared the load to help Jayden on his mission to run 50km with 10kg. Together students and staff ran 5.5km and raised just shy of $100 for the cause.
We must also say a huge thank you to our Reception’s and Year 1’s for decorating our runway with words of encouragement and happy thoughts to spur on our runners. It looked amazing!
75% of mental health issues before the age of 24 so the Lift the Load Challenge aims to not only raise money to help the Top Blokes Foundation mentor young men to improve their mental health, but to show young people that they don’t have to carry the weight of their struggles alone.
You can check out a video of the day’s efforts on our socials.
Check out the Lift the Load Challenge website or the Top Blokes Foundation for more information.

This week is a classic hectic HCS week with our Year 12’s stepping out into the big wide world on Friday. There is plenty going on this week so make sure to check out what we’ve been up to on Friday (I promise it will be on time!)
For now, we continue with our staff profile and this week I leave you getting to know someone who usually wears many hats at HCS: