Rock Climbing

Our Year 12 Sport and Outdoor Studies students were out in Onkaparinga River National Park in Week 3, braving the heights of the ancient cliffs on their rock climbing adventure.

Plenty of fears were overcome and it was amazing to see the support, encouragement and teamwork on display.

They’re braver than most by the looks of it!

Week 3 also saw our Year 10 Outdoor Education class venture into Deep Creek National Park for 3 days to showcase their camping and bushcraft skills learned throughout the year so far.

Students have been studying the natural environment to understand ecosystems and the impacts of human actions.

Hikes to the Deep Creek Waterfall, Deep Creek Cove, the Stringybark woodland and Aaron Creek showcased the regions diverse flora and fauna and they even got stunning views of Kangaroo Island!

National Simultaneous Story Time

Week 4 saw us celebrate National Simultaneous Story Time!

Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, bookshops and many other locations around the country.

This year’s book was Bowerbird Blues, written and illustrated by Aura Parker and is the 2024 Picture Book of the Year winner. The book follows a bowerbird on his search for all things blue and is a moving tale of longing and connection as his search takes him on an adventure over sea, sky and city.

Our dedicated library staff created a beautiful display and sat down with students at 11:30am to read the tale together.

Staff Treats

HCS staff have been very lucky recently with Food and Hospitality students providing us with plenty of treats!

Ms Bone’s Year 10 Food and Hospitality class put their skills to the test by selling lunch to a hungry hoard of staff!

Serving butter chicken, naan, papadum and a mint raita, the students work was outstanding and left staff eager to find out what is on the menu next week!

Mr King’s Year 9 Food and Hospitality class then produced the most amazing Texas muffins!

White choc and raspberry and double choc chip were the flavours of the day and they were amazing!

The students were baking all morning to get the giant treats ready for morning tea and they sold out within 14 minutes! Clearly we have a bunch of sweet tooth’s on staff.

We can’t wait for Round 3 of the culinary adventures our students are serving up!

Year 11 Riverland Camp

In Week 4 it was a chilly start for Mr Wade’s Stage 1 Outdoor Education class at the beautiful Loch Luna Game Reserve in the Riverland.

The class headed up there for a 3 day kayaking adventure through the stunning scenery but with below freezing temperatures overnight, the group more than enjoyed breakfast round the campfire in the morning.


Also in Week 4, HCS celebrated IDAHOBIT.

IDAHOBIT is a day that raises awareness of the LGBTQIA+ community and their rights and struggles. It allows us to learn about gender diversity and what we can do to make the world a safer and happier place for members of this community.

Our high school students showed their support with music, face painting, bracelet making and a glorious bake sale!

Cove Cup

Week 4 got even busier when we held our inaugural Cove Cup – an extra special soccer carnival for Year 5 and 6 students from HCS and our surrounding primary schools!

We had about 180 students overall from Hallett Cove East Primary School, Hallett Cove South Primary School, Sheidow Park and our own join in the fun with our Year 9/10 soccer class doing a brilliant job of refereeing, coaching, providing support and cheer squad.

Everyone had a blast and we loved bringing our community together!

Check out a video of the event using the QR code!

Year 5 City Excursion

Friday of Week 4 saw our Year 5 classes, guided by our pre-service teachers Miss Maisie and Miss Neg, embark on an exciting excursion to the Parliament House of South Australia and the Art Gallery of South Australia.

As part of their Humanities and Social Sciences unit on Civics and Citizenship, our students have been delving into the roles and responsibilities of citizens within the community, the workings of Parliament, and the electoral processes. This excursion provided a unique opportunity for them to see these concepts in action!

The visit to Parliament House was made even more special with a tour led by our local electorate leader and Leader of the Opposition, David Speirs MP. Mr. Speirs shared his wealth of knowledge with our students, making the experience both informative and engaging. It was fantastic to see our students connect their classroom learning with real-world applications.

In honour of Reconciliation Week coming up, the tour at the Art Gallery focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork. Our students engaged in thoughtful analysis and in-depth discussions about the significance and stories behind these powerful art pieces. Additionally, they participated in a guided workshop led by a volunteer from the art gallery, where they focused on the fascinating concept of Opalescence. This hands-on experience allowed students to explore and appreciate the beauty and complexity of this unique art form.

Reconciliation Week

Week 5 was National Reconciliation Week (NRW).

NRW is a time for all Australian’s to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The theme for 2024 was ‘Now More Than Ever’, a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will – and must – continue. Now more than ever we must tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.

We had plenty going on during the week to celebrate NRW:


In 2023 Marni Kanthi learners R-12 investigated the meanings behind traditional artwork and symbols. Using this knowledge, students collaborated and designed a pair of Indigenous jersey’s for the HCS specialist sports programs to symbolise the united path of reconciliation at Hallett Cove School.

Each design combines understandings of the Dreaming, the unique Hallett Cove environment and students connection to the school.

First Nations Volleyball Jersey.

The symbol at the centre of the design is a morphed symbol that represents a watering hole. This was chosen due to the local Dreaming Story of Tjilbruke, who’s tears of sorrow over the death of his son created the local springs across the south coast. The symbols gathering round the watering hole represents the number of players on a volleyball court during play.

First Nations Soccer Jersey.

The Kaurna shield in the centre of the design is based on Year 5 student, Zepher’s, idea of school as being their safe place. It also combines a series of local animal track symbols, along with references to the local ‘Sugarloaf’ sand hills on each sleeve, being a unique geological feature of Hallett Cove.

A group of students helped put the shirts on the wall in our Middle School where they will be proudly displayed in one of the common areas.

Indigenous Murals

Hallett Cove School has partnered with South Australian Aboriginal artist Scott Rathman, aka Rusted Tin, to create multiple wall murals and art pieces across the school to not only brighten our environment but connect us with it.

A group of SRC and ATSI students got together with Scott to help design some of the pieces and put their mark on our school.

Scott asked the students to think of all the things that make school a special place and why it is so important to them. They then had to design totally unique symbols to represent these important elements of school life that he will directly incorporate into his designs and artwork.

Scott started his impressive work brightening up various locations across our school with his stunning Indigenous artwork in Week 6 and they are looking incredible.

These two pieces (taking only a couple of hours each!) can be found by our High School Kiss and Drop but Scott will be working on more pieces across our school in the coming weeks so make sure you keep an eye out and take a moment to pause and appreciate his amazing work.

Native Food Tasting

On the Friday of Reconciliation Week, First Nations students introduced their peers and teachers to some native flavours with kangaroo, emu and crocodile sausages, bush apples, muntries, ice plant, samphire, even green ants and plenty more!

Few were brave enough to try the ants but there weren’t many leftovers! Even our littlest students wanted to dig in and try the ‘baby apples’ (muntries) and ‘salty lettuce’ (ice plant).

It was incredible to see what amazing flavours our land produces and even discover edible plants that can be found around our beautiful Hallett Cove beach.

Reconciliation Morning Tea

A small group of Senior School First Nations students also attended the Jack Buckskin Reconciliation Morning Tea at the Cove Civic Centre.

 Jack spoke about his journey of learning his way through the western world as a young First Nations child, and his understanding of the Kaurna language.

Marion Council Visit

In Week 6 we were visited by Marion Council who wanted to speak to some of our female SRC representatives about how to get young girls more engaged with outdoor play spaces.

The Council representatives talked to our future leaders about what they would like to see in playgrounds and listened intently to how they would change current playgrounds.

Whole School Producation – ‘We Go Together’

Wow! What a spectacular two nights of our whole school production: ‘We Go Together’!

Our students did a fabulous job across the acting, singing, dancing and live music. From our first time little ones, to our more experienced senior classes, the passion, the energy and enthusiasm was exceptional.

Our Arts Leader Julie d’Lima says:

“It was so heartening to hear many students say “I want to do it again! When’s the next show?”. I am delighted in seeing their faces and loved seeing the different year levels on stage together and supporting each other”.

So many of our staff helped out and a massive thank you goes out to every single one who contributed, we cannot do it with out you.

We must also say a huge thank you to all the parents, family members and friends who came to support our students, it’s always a highlight when you see a little face light up and give their loved ones a big wave.

We’ll be sharing more pictures and videos over the coming weeks so if you missed it fear not!

Knockout Futsal

In Week 4 Hallett Cove School sent two teams to participate in the Year 7/8 Statewide Knockout Futsal Competition held at Seaford Secondary School.

Both teams represented HCS and the Soccer Program in the best possible fashion with excellent sportsmanship and behaviour and displayed a positive brand of soccer throughout the day.

Unfortunately, both of our young teams did not advance through to the finals losing out to more experienced and mature teams.

 Well done to all that participated in this great day!

Open Girls Footy

In Week 5 our Open Girls Footy Team played their first round against St Mary’s and Loretto.

The team had a bit of a shaky start in their first game against St Mary’s ending the game with a loss but they soon found their feet against Loretto with an impressive win, piling on the goals early.

Finals scores were:

Game 1 – HCS: 20, St Mary’s: 47
Game 2 – HCS: 42, Loretto: 24

Ms Fletcher would like acknowledge Tabi P, Jaidee-Lee S, Eve D, Hope T and Kaylee W for their incredible work on the day! GO GIRLS!

Cricket Scholarship

A massive congratulations to HCS student Anne Dubois for winning a scholarship with the Adelaide Hills Bucks cricket club.

Well done Anne and we wish you all the best in your cricketing endeavours!

Cross Country State Championships

Huge congratulations to Holly from Year 5! She recently competed in the 2km cross country state championships at Oakbank Racecourse and finished 28th out of 175 participants!

With an impressive time of 8 minutes and 46 seconds, Holly made us all proud in the 10-years of age girls group.

Amazing work Holly and a huge well done on your achievement!

Yanalilla Area School and HCS International Students 

Yankalilla Area School (YAS) and Hallett Cove School international students have united for a vibrant mural!

Our two schools have joined forces to create a stunning mural which will be based at YAS to celebrate diversity, culture, and shared experiences between the two sites. The mural aims to embody the rich tapestry of identities and backgrounds represented by international students who have been visiting the school for the past 2 years.

YAS Year 5/6 students have been working closely with Bu Ellin, a local artist, to gather ideas and inspiration.

Last term Hallett Cove School international students were invited to share how they would express their unique identities and cultural heritage within a mural. We eagerly anticipate completing the mural in the next 3 weeks, just in time for Hallett Cove School’s Term 2 visit. Their final advice will add magic to this collaborative masterpiece!

International Outback Camp

The international student’s outback camp experience in Week 5 was a blend of exploration, cultural immersion and natural wonder.

It started with Alpana Station providing a pastoral setting where students learned about living in the outback, sheep farming and the wool industry.

The Blinman Copper Mine allowed students to descend into the depths of time by connecting to the region’s mining history and South Australia’s economic beginning.

A Dreamtime journey was provided by connecting with the Adnyamathanha people through a Wadna guided tour and native foods. Bushwalking through the local rugged landscape, encountering Yellow Footed Rock Wallabies, and gazing at the night sky, helped enhance the students interpretation of Wilpena Pound’s natural beauty.

At Jeff Morgan’s Art gallery, the Flinders Ranges scenes were immortalized by panoramic paintings, adding an artistic dimension to the essence of the Outback. A week of remarkable experiences and thanks to all involved.

Fruit, Veg and Bread

Hallett Cove School will be continuing with Fruit, Veg and Bread next year. We are fortunate to receive donations of fruit, vegetables and bread from local businesses and charities.

Each even week of term, we will have fruit and vegetables available on Monday afternoons, and every Thursday we have bread available outside the Early Years for families to collect.

Phone Policy and Yondr Pouches

Thank you to all of our students and families for their support with implementing the South Australian Government ban on mobile phones in schools in 2023.

The use of Yondr pouches at Hallett Cove School made an immediate impact on phone use and students are happily engaging in learning, during class and at break times.

Your ongoing support with encouraging your child to follow our phone policy is appreciated.

Hallett Cove School aims to take advantage of the reach and instantaneous nature of social media to communicate with our families.

Social Media

We have long had a regularly updated Facebook page and last year we added Instagram to our media presence. Links to all our pages are included at the bottom of this page.

Along with our main page, we have also created two additional Facebook pages for particular audience members of our community:

  • Hallett Cove Career Pathways: To keep parents and students informed of career information and opportunities through Hallett Cove School.
  • Hallett Cove School Community Announcements: To keep parents, students and the wider community informed about education sessions and educational opportunities, to raise public awareness around the current trends in society and provide information about upcoming events and opportunities.
Parents and Friends

Hallett Cove School values the contribution of our community and we encourage any of our parents and friend to consider joining the Parents and Friends Group (P&F) in 2024.

The P&F support key functions in the school. In 2023, our P&F have held a Sports Day stall, Harmony Day stall, Quiz Night and parents are assisting in managing our Street Libraries (outside the Vegetable Garden and Early Years Centre) and organising our inaugural Quiz Night.

Please email if you are interested in joining P&F and the school will put you in contact with our P&F representative and our Volunteer Coordinator.​

Kiss and Drop Areas

When dropping off/picking up your child(ren), please remember that the middle lane (Gledsdale Road Kiss and Drop) and right lane (Sanderson Road Kiss and Drop) should not be used as a waiting/parking lane.

Local councils are often out and about at schools ensuring the community use these spaces safely.


Hallett Cove School is pleased to provide SchoolTV to our community. SchoolTV is an all-in-one resource for the community aimed to offer parents a fresh approach to the concerns and pressures faced by Australian children.

SchoolTV is a unique online resource delivering powerful and credible information to empower parents with the skills to address these concerns and raise happy, well and resilient children.

You can access the bank of SchoolTV resources via our website

Feedback and Suggestions

As always, should you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can continue to further the quality of experience we offer our community, I welcome your contact via email, phone or in person.

Yours Sincerely,

Tony Hall