We’re officially over halfway through the term now and we can’t quite believe how fast it’s going!
It’s been a relatively quiet week (in some cases quite literally as our Year 12’s finish their final exams!) as we start to get ready for the end of the year, but we can promise you, big things are coming!
We started the week by hosting an inspiring evening with the Southern Districts Photography Club as they brought their expertise to critique the incredible work of our talented Year 11 and 12 photography students.
From capturing the simplest moments to telling stories through the lens, our budding photographers showcased the skills they have learnt over the last year and the passion they have for the craft.
It was also the perfect opportunity to immerse ourselves and our guests in the beauty of the Flinders Ranges with an exhibition of photos and a captivating video journey from our recent trip to the country. It was a true pleasure to see the ranges captured so beautifully by our students.
Thank you to everyone who made the night a fantastic celebration of creativity and visual story telling. Head on over to our socials to watch a quick video of the evening.

Mr Longstaff and Mr Forkert’s Year 9 History classes tried to replicate trench warfare this week to try to better understand what the soldiers went through in World War One.
They took turns at running the trench of 117m, trying not to get spotted, or ‘shot’, by the spotters hiding in the trenches.
Overall it was an eye opening and engaging learning experience.

Also this week, our Year 10’s and 11’s headed down to Flinders Medical Centre to participate in the P.A.R.T.Y Program. The Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth Program is a full day, in-hospital interactive and empowering trauma prevention program for young people.
Our students spent the day at FMC talking to a range of health professionals about the impact of major trauma and travelled through the devastating path of a trauma patient. Our students got a better understanding of the outcomes of risky decisions and were urged to make good choices to keep themselves and their friends safe.
It was a hands on experience that hopefully they will remember for a long time and be able to recall in moments of need in the future.

Today, Friday 17 November is White Ribbon Day. It is an opportunity for us to call on all men to make women’s safety a man’s issue.
White Ribbon Australia’s vision is to create a nation where every woman is free from all forms of violence and abuse.
If you would like more information, please visit White Ribbon Australia

A Mo’ at the Cove Team Update:
We’re now just over hallway through the month and we have raised just over $1800 of our $3000 goal.
A huge shout out to all of the team who have got their families and friends to get on board to help men’s health!
Did you know that you don’t have to grow a mo’ to support men’s health? A group of students and staff have chosen to move to raise money for Movember, with the team sitting at 238kms so far! How good to see staff and students working together for such a good cause? Here’s the stats so far:
Jacob, Year 9 – Cycled 92kms
Mr Beaglehole – Cycled 86kms
Madec, Year 9 – Cycled 31kms
Luke, Year 10 – Cycled 25kms
Cameron, Year 12 – Ran 11kms
Lucas, Year 12 ran 3kms
Mr Pillay – Ran 2kms
Amazing work team! If you are in a position to donate, check out our team page here. Here you can see all the members of our team and even also join in if you want to get involved.
Every donation counts and will go towards supporting men’s health. Not sure what it’s all about check out the Movember website to find out more.
A reminder that we are also selling donuts in our canteen to raise a few extra pennies for the cause on Thursday 23 November (Next week!).
Donuts will be $4.50 with $1 from each donut going towards the Hallett Cove School Mo Team total.
To ensure you don’t miss out, you can pre-order donuts through the Qkr! App before 9am, Tuesday 21 November. Only a limited number of donuts will be available to purchase on the day!
Next week we have plenty on again with our Year 12 Graduation on Monday, a few trips to the Zoo for our Junior School Students and the 2024 Year 7 Information evening.
We also would like to take this opportunity to let you know that this year we will be producing a Year Book to celebrate another great year at HCS! More information will be coming out soon and pre-orders will be available on the Qkr! App before the end of term.