The end of the year is in sight! Only 3 more weeks to go before the end of the 2023 school year and we’re starting to get excited!
On Monday our Year 12’s made it official and graduated from Hallett Cove School! There were tears of sadness and joy but it was mainly just an absolute delight to celebrate these wonderful students and all of their hard work, not only in the last year, but everything that has brought them to this point.
We wish them all the luck in the world in getting their results back in a few months and hope that they have everything they need to take them wherever they wish to go!

Also at the start of the week, Mr Cherrington’s and Ms Woodrow’s Year 2 classes spent a super exciting day and night at Adelaide Zoo.
As well as spending the daytime touring the zoo, they were privileged to have a night tour and then an early morning tour. They were lucky enough to hear and see so many things that the general public don’t get to experience.
A highlight was hearing the Siamang Gibbons loudly shouting out their territorial claims to the white cheeked gibbons. If you didn’t know you were at a zoo, you would have thought you were standing in Jurassic Park! Lots of tired but happy students got home having had an amazing experience.

Our International Students headed back to the water yesterday for their Term 4 surfing lessons at Moana Beach.
It was unfortunate that they just happened to cop the worst weather we’ve had in weeks on their first day back, but they didn’t let that stop them! The weather actually provided some good ‘training waves’ for the group and it won’t be long before they’re ready to take on the big boys!

On Thursday Night we welcomed our incoming Year 7 families for an information evening with everything you need to know about joining Hallett Cove School. It was a great opportunity for families to meet our Principal and the leaders who will be important parts of the student’s life at school.
It was lovely to meet everyone and we are excited to welcome them into the HCS community in 2024.