Year 7 HASS

LENGTH OF COURSE: Full Year Compulsory

Course content will be a selection of the following:

Knowledge and Understanding:
Students will explore the Ancient World and examine reasons for change and continuity between 60 000 BC (BCE) – c.650 AD (CE). With a focus on ‘Deep Time History of Australia’ and a depth study of ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, China, or India. In second semester learners study Geography through a focus on ‘Water and the World’ and ‘Places and Liveability’.

Inquiry Skills:
Students learn how to identify and select a range of sources, as well as locate, compare, and use information to answer inquiry questions. They examine sources and data to explain points of view as well as identify their origin and purpose. Students develop maps, descriptions, case studies and explanations to share their findings. Students use historical/ geographical terms and concepts, incorporating relevant sources using digital technologies. Students propose action in response to a geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic and social factors, and then describe the expected results of their proposal.


Inquiry/comparative study: Students will develop and conduct an inquiry question/comparative study in using both Historical and Geographical skills

Skills Folio: May include source analysis, explanations, a timeline, timed test, historical recounts, artefact statement, proposals, mapping task or a data interpretation task.