Year 7 Japanese
Course content will be a selection of the following:
Language Conventions:
Students explore the conventions of the Japanese language through explicit teaching, exploration of text, games and digital resources. They will learn about Japanese writing systems and will learn to communicate using both Written and Oral forms of language.
Cultural Studies:
Students explore the notion of what it is to be a global citizen. They research the similarities and differences in cultures and reflect on the importance of cultural difference and understanding.
Visual Text Production:
Students create posters , powerpoints , slideshows and brochures to display knowledge and understanding for language and cultural learning.
Written Text Production:
Students produce a body of written work using a myriad of genre incorporating the four writing systems to create text types about self, family and friends.
Vocabulary and Language Tests:
Students create small scripts and present using multi modal resources to support their language development. They use classroom specific language to ask questions and respond to questions asked. They learn specific vocabulary to support the topics being covered.