
ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

ASBA Australian School-based Apprenticeship

ATAR Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. The ATAR is derived from the university aggregate and is an indicator of how well a student has performed relative to others in the population, taking into account variations in student participation from year to year. The ATAR is used for university entrance purposes.

Australian Curriculum The Australian Curriculum, developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

CAR Course Admission Requirements used for TAFE entry purposes.

Counting Restrictions Counting restrictions are used where it is deemed desirable to limit the number of credits that can be counted towards a university aggregate and the ATAR in a specific subject area.

Curriculum Pattern A selection of subjects required in order to qualify for the SACE.

Credit Ten credits are equivalent to one semester or six months study in a particular subject or course.

DfE Department for Education

Flexible Option Flexible option refers to the final 20 credits of study contributing to the university aggregate and the TAFE Selection Score.

IPP Industry Pathways Program

ISEC Intensive Secondary English Course

PLP The Personal Learning Plan – a compulsory Stage 1 subject studied in year 10.

Precluded Combination Two subjects are a precluded combination if they are defined by the universities and TAFE SA as having significant overlap in content.

Prerequisite A formal requirement that is needed before proceeding to further study.

Recognised Studies Studies such as higher education studies or Vocational Education and Training (VET) awards approved by the SACE board as counting towards the SACE and deemed by the universities and TAFE SA as being eligible to be included in the calculation of the ATAR and TAFE SA Selection Score.

RTO Registered Training Organisation

SACE The South Australian Certificate of Education

SACE Board South Australian Certificate of Education Board

SATAC South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre

Semester 50 to 60 hours of programmed lesson time – subjects of one unit are a semester in length.

Stage 1 The first of two levels of the SACE – this is usually be study undertaken in Year 11

Stage 2 The second of two levels of the SACE – this is usually be study undertaken in Year 12

STAT Special Tertiary Admissions Test

TAFE Technical and Further EducationTGSS Training Guarantee for SACE Students

TAS Tertiary Admission Subject – a SACE Stage 2 subject which has been approved by TAFE SA and the universities for tertiary admission.

Unit Half a year (50 to 60 hours of programmed time) of full-time study.

VET Vocational Education and Training

Youth Allowance Youth Allowance is a means tested payment made to full time students aged between 16 – 24