Course Selection
When selecting subjects throughout high school, it is crucial students and parents/caregivers give due consideration to:
- Student’s interests – consider the student’s main interests in certain subject areas.
- Student’s abilities – consider the student’s current abilities and achievement at school so far, including current academic progress and work ethic.
- Student’s career ambitions – consider the student’s possible career pathways, including any university or other tertiary study and other training or experiences which might be beneficial for future employment.
Specific Recommendations for Year 10 and Year 11 Students
All Year 10 and Year 11 students and their parents/caregivers are strongly advised to be familiar with the range of SACE and flexible learning options available by:
• Understand the requirements of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET)
• Learn the terminology used to describe the senior school curriculum
• Undertake personal research into possible career ambitions, ensuring selections are as broad as possible and do not restrict future pathways
Course Counselling
Throughout Term 3 students and their parents/caregivers will receive information in relation to selecting their subjects for the following year. For students entering Years 10 – 12 this will include a formal course counselling meeting between the student, a parent/caregiver and a member of staff.