
The Hallett Cove School Curriculum Guide details the curriculum offered to students in Years 7 – 12.

 Subject selection at the secondary level is crucial in shaping future pathways and links between school, further study and the world of work.

 The curriculum at Hallett Cove School is aligned with both state and national expectations for all schools. Additionally, we offer a range of specific programs and pathways which meet the particular needs of our school community. All curriculum areas Reception to Year 10 use the Australian Curriculum. The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is the framework used to design teaching, learning and assessment in the senior school. The SACE is recognised locally, nationally and internationally as quality evidence of student learning.

 Our one to one Chromebook program at Hallett Cove School allows learners to experience personalised, student- centred and digitally rich pedagogy through our broad range of curriculum offerings.

 This Curriculum Guide highlights the progression of our subject offerings in each of the Areas of Study. When making decisions about your future subject choices, we advise you to read our Curriculum Guide carefully and engage in conversations with family and your teachers at school. It is crucial students select a balanced curriculum, which allows for flexibility in your future pathways post-school, setting you up for success to gain entry to university or other tertiary study and employment.

Tony Hall