Stage 1 English as an Additional Language
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Year 10 English as an Additional Language
PREREQUISITE: A brief application process of Form 6 (SACE Board) to confirm eligibility
SUBJECT CHARGES: Nil (Possible Excursion charge of approximately $20)
In Stage 1 English as an Additional Language students respond to and create texts for a range of personal, social, cultural and community contexts. Students understand and interpret information, experiences,, opinions and perspectives in texts and consider ways in which language choices are used to create meaning.
Students complete a range of tasks from the following categories:
Responding to texts:
Students explore a range of texts including short stories, articles, short films, film trailers and speeches. Students respond to texts in a variety of modes including narratives, essays, reviews and expositions.
Interactive Study:
Students conduct an interview or a discussion which explores aspects of a cultural experience, issue, perspective or opinion and presents their findings in a report or multimodal format.
Language Study:
Students identify and analyse aspects of language used in one or more texts. Students may present their language study in written, oral, or multimodal form.
Students will be required to undertake written and verbal tasks, and maintain a folio of these tasks, which they will submit at the end of the semester. The folio will include four pieces of work, with evidence of at least one oral presentation.
The weighting for each Assessment Type is:
• Responding to texts 40%
• Interactive Study 30%
• Language Study 30%
Study Pathways
Stage 2 English as an Additional Language