Stage 1 Modern History
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Successful completion of Year 10 HASS and English
Course content will be a selection of the following:
Students explore changes within the world since 1750, examining developments and movements, the ideas that inspired them, and their short-term and long-term consequences for societies, systems, and individuals.
Topics will include at least 2 of the following:
Students investigate one or more examples of imperial expansion from 1750 onwards. They investigate the process of imperialism and its impacts on political, social, and economic structures, peoples, and groups.
Social Movements:
Students delve into one or more significant movements for social change. They investigate ways in which people, groups, and institutions challenge and adapt civil and political structures, social and cultural organisation, and economic models.
Students research a revolution from 1750 onwards. They investigate the ways in which people, groups, and institutions have challenged and/or then adapted to existing political structures, social organisation, and economic models before, during, and in the aftermath of a revolution.
Students can also investigate Decolonisation or Indigenous Peoples
Historical Skills:
Students undertake and complete three historical skills assessments, which may include an essay, source analysis, and oral presentation. Students apply their skills of historical inquiry to research, explore, interpret and communicate their understanding of ideas, people and events in history. They develop their historical literacy skills, by exploring short-term and long-term impacts of ideas, people, groups and events; analysing and evaluating historical sources; interpreting historical texts; and developing their own perspectives on historical questions.
Historical Study:
Students undertake one historical study and this will be based on an aspect of the world since 1750. Students inquire into, explore, interpret and research a historical idea, event, person or group in depth. The focus of the historical study may be chosen by the teacher or negotiated by the student.