Stage 2 English
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Stage 1 English or Stage 1 Pre-Literary Studies (2 semesters)
SUBJECT CHARGES: Nil (Possible Excursion charge of approximately $20)
In Stage 2 English students read and view a range of texts, including texts created by Australian authors. In comparing texts students analyse the relationships between language and stylistic features, text types, and contexts. Students recognise and analyse the language and stylistic features and conventions of text types in literary and everyday texts, and how these influence interpretation. Through close study of texts, students explore relationships between content and perspectives and the text and its context.
Students complete a range of tasks from the following categories:
Responding to texts:
Students demonstrate a critical understanding of the language features, stylistic features, and conventions of particular text types and identify the ideas and perspectives conveyed by texts.
Creating texts:
Students create a range of texts for a variety of purposes. By experimenting with innovative and imaginative language features, stylistic features, and text conventions, students develop their personal voice and perspectives.
Comparative analysis:
Students complete a written comparative analysis of two texts and evaluate how the language features, stylistic features, and conventions in these texts are used to represent ideas, perspectives, and/or aspects of culture, and to influence audiences.
Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types
School-based Assessment:
• Responding to Texts 40%
• Creating Texts 30%
External Assessment:
• Comparative analysis 30%