Stage 2 Music Explorations

LENGTH OF COURSE: Full Year (20 Credits)
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Performance skills as an instrumentalist or vocalist in music and a willingness to continue tuition on that instrument. Some understanding of music production (For those students wishing to take the Music Production side of the course). Successful completion of Stage 1 Music.

Course content will be a selection of the following:

Understanding Music: Develop and extend their music literacy and understanding of the musical elements that underpin the creation of music through the exploration of musical works.

Creating Music: Explore and develop practical music making skills through performing, arranging or composing works for instruments and or voice. Students create and present music for a range of purposes, including the use digital audio and MIDI recordings.

Responding to Music: Develop musical understanding and musical skills and techniques through engagement with and interpretation of the works of others. Identify, analyse and discuss musical elements, structural and stylistic features by making connections between theoretical concepts and music performances.



School assessment (70%):
Assessment Type 1: Music Literacy – Three Musical Literacy Tasks. Composition (including notation) and composer’s statement, analysis of a work and a concert review.
Assessment Type 2: Explorations – One portfolio of explorations. A set of short performances or series of small compositions with included commentary.

External Assessment (30%):
Assessment Type 3: Creative Connections – One creative connection task. A performance of 6-8 minutes orcomposition/arrangement of 3-4 minutes, including a discussion to a maximum of 7 minutes or