Year 10 History
LENGTH OF COURSE: One Semester Compulsory
Course content will be a selection of the following:
Knowledge and Understanding:
Students study the modern world and Australia from 1918 to the present, with an emphasis on Australia in its global context, focusing on the involvement in global conflicts such as World War Two. The twentieth century became a critical period in Australia’s social, cultural, economic and political development. The transformation of the modern world during a time of political turmoil, global conflict and international cooperation provides a necessary context for understanding Australia’s development, its place within the Asia-Pacific region and its global standing
Inquiry and skills:
Students sequence events and identify relationships, develop and modify an inquiry question, synthesise information and data from sources and develop text that use historical argument, evidence and referenced source.
Historical Inquiry: Develop an inquiry where information is organised and presented as a discussion and /or explanation. Historical terms and concepts, evidence from identified sources, and referenced sources are also included.
Historical Skills: Identified sources, and referenced sources are also included. Acutely analyse a wide range of sources and engage with a range of learning tasks, including but not limited to timeline, timed test, descriptive journal, artefact statement, source, analysis, explanation or historical argument