Year 10 (Stage 1) Psychology

Successful completion of this course will award students 10 Stage 1 credits towards their SACE completion.

ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Successful completion of Year 9 Science and English

Course content will be a selection of the following:

  1. Science Inquiry Skills – develop an understanding of the science of Psychology and evaluate some of its most famous (though sometimes unethical) studies.
  2. Positive Psychology – understand the connections between one’s thoughts, emotions and behaviours for psychological disorders and the use of principles of Positive Psychology to improve your own wellbeing and resilience.
  3. Additional negotiable psychology topics including (but not limited to) neuroscience, sleep and lying.

Assessment Type 1: Practical Exploration:
Students undertake a happiness experiment involving improving their own wellbeing through the use of Positive Psychology principals. They create a presentation.

Assessment Type 2: Connections:
Students deconstruct and design an investigation on their choice of topic on sleep or lying. Involves collaboration with others.  Students will work with a junior school buddy on reading skills and explore how this impacts their own wellbeing, resilience and personal development.

Assessment Type 3: Personal Venture
Students explore a psychological disorder of their own choosing and present their findings in negotiated formats.