Year 7 Drama

LENGTH OF COURSE: One Term Compulsory (Option 1 of 3) – combined with one term of Visual Arts and Design

Course content will be a selection of the following:

Understanding and responding to drama:
• Through experimentation students identify the elements of drama
• Students analyse drama from a range of cultures, times and locations to explore differing viewpoints.
• Students reflect on their own work and the work of others.

Performance and Stagecraft:
• Through ensemble work students develop their performance, rehearsal and stagecraft skills.

Drama and technology:
• Students investigate Technical Theatre and how technology is being used in the theatre


Understanding and responding to drama:
Students use correct drama terminology
Students view and discuss dramatic art from differing cultures and times
Students are able to reflect on own work and on the work of others (peers)

Performance & Stagecraft:
Students work in small groups on movement, acting, design and improvisation tasks
Students present their work in 2 to 3 minute performance in front of an audience

Drama and Technology:
Students investigate Technical Theatre roles