Year 9 English
SUBJECT CHARGES: Nil (Possible excursion charge of approximately $20)
Course content will be a selection of the following:
The Year 9 English course sees students build on knowledge, understanding and skills from Year 8 in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Students draw on multimodal texts, with more complex themes and challenging issues involving levels of abstraction and higher order thinking. Students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts including narratives, procedures, performances, reports, discussions, literary analyses and reviews.
There is a greater emphasis on refining essential skills in spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary in preparation for senior school.
Receptive Modes (listening, reading and viewing):
Students explore a range of texts including novels, short films and poetry.
Productive Modes (speaking, writing and creating):
Students compose written and spoken texts in various genres including transformations, expositions and podcasts.