Stage 2 English as an Additional Language
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Stage 1 English as an Additional Language
PREREQUISITE: If Stage 1 EALD is not completed, a brief application process of Form 6 (SACE Board) to confirm eligibility may apply.
SUBJECT CHARGES: Nil (Possible Excursion charge of approximately $20)
Through studying a variety of oral, written, and multimodal texts, including informational and literary texts, students develop an understanding of text structures and language features. Students explore the relationship between the structures and features and the purpose, audience, and context of texts.
Information, ideas, and opinions in texts are identified and evaluated. Personal, social, and cultural perspectives in texts are analysed and evaluated. Students develop confidence in creating texts for different purposes in both real and imagined contexts. Students broaden their understanding of sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of English, through their study of texts and language. They develop skills for research and academic study.
Students complete a range of tasks from the following categories:
Academic Literacy Study: Students investigate a topic or a question and present their findings in an academic style in two ways: written report and oral interaction.
Responses to texts: Students respond to a range of literacy texts in a variety of ways including a response to an issue, creative response and an analysis of an aspect of a certain text.
Examination: The examination is divided in two sections: comprehending multimodal texts and a written paper. Section 1 requires students to respond to a multimodal text by answering questions, and respond to an aspect of one or more visual or oral texts. Section 2 requires students to write an essay or report in response to a text. The exam is a 160-minute examination developed by the SACE Board.
Students will demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:
School assessment
• Academic Literacy Study 30%
• Responses to Texts 40%
External assessment
• Examination 30%