Stage 2 Essential Mathematics
ASSUMED BACKGROUND: Stage 1 General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and/or Specialist Mathematics
Course content will be a selection of the following:
Topic 1: Scales, plans and models – construct nets of three-dimensional shapes and use scaled representations to determine full-scale measurements in practical contexts. Develop practical skills in measuring and scaling down to create maps, scaled plans, or models.
Topic 2: Measurement – Solve practical problems involving circles, polygons, composite shapes, cones, cylinders, pyramids, and spheres. Solve for unknown sides and angles in right and non-right triangle problems posed in everyday and workplace contexts using Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry. Solve problems involving volume, mass, and density posed in practical contexts.
Topic 3: Business applications – Investigate physical and financial planning aspects of a small business. Through break-even analysis a comparison can be made of the profit that can be obtained through changing fixed and variable costs or different sale prices for a particular product.
Topic 4: Statistics – Two or more sets of data examining a single variable are compared using calculated statistics and graphical representations. Data is analysed critically to form and support reasonable predictions. Linear regression techniques are used to investigate the relationship between two variable characteristics.
Topic 5: Investments and loans – Investigate a range of ways of investing and borrowing money. Simple and compound interest calculations are extended by seeking the best return on a lump-sum investment. The effects of taxation and inflation on the investment return are considered.
Topic 6: Open topic – Schools may choose to develop a topic that is relevant to their own local context. When this option is undertaken, the open topic developed replaces either Topic 1: Scales, plans, and models or Topic 3: Business applications.
Skills and Application tasks [30%]:
Supervised assessment (test) to demonstrate student learning
Investigations [40%]:
Students investigate a topic mathematically to make informed decisions/recommendations
Examination [30%]:
Externally assessed
Students will require the use of a TI-84+CE, TI-84 or TI-84+ graphing calculator.